วันจันทร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Are You Making These 5 Money Mistakes

Lots of people want more financial prosperity in their lives. And yet most continually sabotage that desire without realizing it! Be aware of these five big money mistakes we make in attracting & allowing more of it into our lives:

1 - Worrying about money. If you're familiar with the law of attraction, you know you get what you worry about. Worry about money, and you'll get more to worry about! This is the numero uno culprit to being financially strapped for most people. (And trust me, it is work to be financially strapped!)

2 - Perpetuating unsupportive beliefs. Do you believe or have you said any of the following?: It takes money to make money; Money doesn't grow on trees; You've got to work hard for your money. These limiting beliefs keep financial abundance from you.

3 - Being stingy with the green stuff. When you're stingy with money, it is stingy with you. (Your vibration dictates it.) Hoarding cash comes from our "lizard brain," and is not a vibration that allows more money to flow into your life.

4 - Expecting bad money things to happen. Maybe you just "know" the estimate from the car shop will be astronomical. Or you "always" miss the good bargains. Financial success will "never" be easy for you. One thing you can count on is that you get what you expect!

5 - Not being grateful for the wealth you do have. We're a prosperous nation, and yet we're full of complaints about not having enough. Consciously acknowledge the wealth in your life regularly, and by doing so you set yourself up for getting more of it.

The bottom line is we get what we think about. If you want more money, know that it is yours to have (so you can stop worrying and start relaxing). Give up your bad beliefs and adopt new ones: "I'm a money magnet!" Count your blessings everywhere you can. If you've had trouble with finances in the past, know it can be different. Expect it, and allow for a new experience. I repeat: It can be different! Expect it to be good!

So tip the waitress well, be generous with yourself too, and let the money flow easily into your life. And if you need help faking it till it's reality, email the Good Vibe Coach at jmaw@goodvibecoach.com.

About the Author: Jeannette Maw is a Law of Attraction Coach and founder of Good Vibe Coaching, specializing in helping people get more of what they want, and less of what they don't. To subscribe to the free Get What You Want ezine, go to http://www.goodvibecoach.com

[tags]Law, Attraction, Abundance, Financial,Prosperity,Money,Finance,Wealth,More,Belief,Attracting,Cash[/tags]
